If it gets to bad, shop somewhere else
Some people also feel that what they are doing is really going to make the earth stop rotating, prevent the sun from coming up in the morning and allow world peace to break out around the globe. Wow.
A friend of mine took his wife and their two small children shopping in one of those big box stores whos name we cannot mention but it starts with a W as in Walmart. That's right. Walmart.
The land of a kind, considerate, passionate workers who cannot wait to get to their treasured job each day and walk around with a smile on their face day as they reach out to help throngs of customers.
His young son got a new bicycle for Christmas and wanted to get a new horn to put on the handlebars. A horn loud enough to warn an oncoming semi-truck to get out of the way.
While he was testing out the selection, a clerk from the other end of the store came running up to the 3-year old screaming that he could not play with the toys especially the horns since this was a no-horn blowing zone.
The kid was devastated. He only wanted to test out the horn before putting it on his new bike. The mother began yelling, if you have anything to say to my child, say it to me. The clerk walked away. Was she fired?
No. Its important job-making children, not test blow new bike horns before purchasing. My friend shook his head while telling me this story.
I offered some friendly advice:-First, start a war. Call the president of the company, get the telephone number to every vice president in the company, start at the top of the list, keep calling and go down the line until some action is taken.-Grab the toy department manager by the throat and don't let go until he gets an apology from the clerk.-Continue to shop at that store but take a cover-up attitude.
Walk around and load up a basket of fresh meat, ice cream, and butter. Slowly walk over to the toy department and place the items in the basket under the toys on the shelf and behind the bicycles. This will allow the clerk to continue her important duties while digging out sordid rotting meat from between the toys and under the stuffed animals. Or do what millions of other people have started doing: Shop somewhere else.